Here's my second picture for the May photo challenge. It's a picture taken at a beautiful park in Bristol, CT. It's a stone tower and I took the picture looking up to the top from the base.
Here's my first picture for the May photo challenge. I took this photo back in 2011 when Sue and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in St. Lucia. At the time, I was quite into outdoor landscape photography. I brought with me my trusty Nikon D300 and my favorite 17-55mm f/1.8 lens and my older Nikon D70 that I had converted into an infrared camera. In infrared, green foliage becomes white along with other changes. This is a picture I took from the top of the resort we stayed at of the two Pitons. The Pitons are volcanic plugs that were created when lava cooled within a vent of the currently-dormant volcanoes. The Pitons of Saint Lucia are among the largest of the world's volcanic plugs. In 2004, the Pitons were named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
One of my favorite Rock formations. The kind that you can Crank It Up to 11 on the volume dial. Uriah Heep - The Magician's Birthday
Each of these "rock" images have a story and perhaps an unusual perspective that may not always be seen.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be seen."
Textures, colors, magic of Nature over millions of years. Lake Powell, Utah
Run! Lake Powell
"Canyon Walker" Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Tse' Bighanilini "the place where water runs through rocks" Upper Antelope Canyon
Tse' Bighanilini "the place where water runs through rocks" Upper Antelope Canyon
Pemaquid Lighthouse, Maine
"Flow" Minneapolis, MN
The Cobbles of Basel.
Here's my second picture for the May photo challenge. It's a picture taken at a beautiful park in Bristol, CT. It's a stone tower and I took the picture looking up to the top from the base.
Here's Linda's first picture for the May photo challenge.
What a stunning photo!
Here's my first picture for the May photo challenge. I took this photo back in 2011 when Sue and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in St. Lucia. At the time, I was quite into outdoor landscape photography. I brought with me my trusty Nikon D300 and my favorite 17-55mm f/1.8 lens and my older Nikon D70 that I had converted into an infrared camera. In infrared, green foliage becomes white along with other changes. This is a picture I took from the top of the resort we stayed at of the two Pitons. The Pitons are volcanic plugs that were created when lava cooled within a vent of the currently-dormant volcanoes. The Pitons of Saint Lucia are among the largest of the world's volcanic plugs. In 2004, the Pitons were named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Here's Gary's first picture for the May photo challenge.